What data is collected and/or stored in Spotler AIgent?

See the table below for an overview per data field. 


Data Description Contains Personal Info? Stored Where Portability Options Offered?
Sessions, User messages and transcripts (and metadata) Typically yes. Dialogs often ask chat user to send email addresses, names, addresses etc. Netherlands (Google Cloud Platform) csv export, on chatuser request by mail (toggle), send to livechat handover provider
Reporting Data No Netherlands (Google Cloud Platform) csv export
User accounts Yes, usernames and passwords Netherlands (Google Cloud Platform) None
Secrets (API keys / tokens), usernames and passwords used for Integrations Yes, user names and passwords of chatbot developers Netherlands (Google Cloud Platform) None
Knowledge Base Items and Understanding Understanding and Knowledge Base items sometimes contain personal data. This happens when chatbot developers add user messages or key words to the chatbots Understanding, Entity synonyms or in knowledge base articles Netherlands (Google Cloud Platform) Understanding: csv export
Chatbot configuration settings No Netherlands (Google Cloud Platform) None

Security and networking

The following networking and security is in place for Spotler AIgent: 


Type Specs
Chatbot Developer access
  • Username, (strong) password
  • Short lived tokens for communications to API