Analyze: Conversations

When you select Analyze -> Conversations in the main menu, the conversation list shows all conversations that have been held in your chatbot. To see this list filled, you will need to deploy your chatbot first.

Please note

The Conversations list doesn't show internal conversation that you held in Smart AIgent while building your bot.

Here's the information that's displayed:

  • Channel: Logo of the channel use
  • Message: the first message that your user sends. This is either the actual utterance or when your chatbot uses buttons, the button text.
  • Date: date and time of the conversation.
  • Intent: the intent to which your user utterance was matched.
  • State: is the conversation open, completed, or timeout.

Exporting the conversations list

You can quickly export the conversations list to a .csv file by clicking on Export conversations. Use the date selector to choose the specific time period for which you want to export the conversations.
Read the step-by-step guide for exporting a conversation in this article. 

Archiving conversations

When you open a conversation, you'll see a prominent Archive button. Once a conversation has been read and analyzed, you can click this button to archive it. To view archived conversations, select the Archived option in the 'Conversation' filter. This will display a list of all archived conversations.

Analyzing a conversation

To analyze a conversation in more detail, click on a message in the conversation. This opens the TURN DETAILS window, which contains detailed information related to that message, such as intent, confidence level, utterance, category, and subcategory.

Matched Intent and Confidence Level

Above each user utterance, the matched intent is displayed along with a confidence level. This is important for understanding how accurately user utterances are matched to your intents. If an utterance is matched to an incorrect intent or if the confidence level is very low, it may be time to perform some chatbot troubleshooting to improve the matching process.

Adding Utterances to Intent

User utterances from conversations can be added to your intents, specifically when the intent is system.noresponse. This helps improve the understanding of your chatbot over time. To do this, click on the user message, and then click the edit button in the TURN DETAILS window.

Step 1: Edit the Intent

After clicking the edit button, select the intent to which you want to add the utterance.

Step 2: Save the Changes

To save your choice, click the save button.


It is possible to filter the Conversations by Open and Archived.