How do I use the turn editor?

Just like in a real conversation, chatbots and chatbot users take turns talking to each other. When it is the user's turn, the bot remains silent and vice versa. A turn in a chatbot conversation is called a "turn." In this article, we explain to you the different types of turns and how to create one in the turn editor.

In Spotler AIgent, you build your chatbot by building dialogs. Each dialog consists of a number of turns.


Spotler AIgent works with six types of turns:

  • User turns contain intents and utterances. These are typically the turns where the user asks a question or provides information to the bot. Find more information below.
  • Bot turns contain replies, questions and confirmations. They contain anything the bot can say or ask, but also some of the chatbot navigation, like buttons, slots and user prompts. Find more information below.
  • Knowledge base turns insert some or all of the knowledge base questions into your bot.
  • Dialog turns help you organise your bot content into separate dialog building blocks.
  • Action turns let you integrate external actions into your bot, like e-mail and API calls or allow you to set conditions for the bot.
  • No.response turns are a special type of turn that lets your chatbot handle situations where your user's utterance didn't match an intent. These turns are automatically created by Spotler AIgent.

User turns and bot turns require more explanation, so these bot turns are described in detail below. 

User turns

User turn is the chat user's turn in the dialog and is used to capture the user's intent.

Creating a user turn consists of three parts:

  1. Create or add an Intent: the intention, or question behind the question, of what a user is saying.
  2. Adding and marking Utterances: examples of things that your users can say to trigger the intent.
  3. Create or add an Entity (optional): setting your intent to match only when specific pieces of information are present in an intent.

Read more about Intents, Entities and Utterances in the article: Understanding.

Bot turns

Bot turns are where you create anything your chatbot says to your user. It is where you create your chatbot content, and where your brand voice and bot persona have a chance to shine.


Bot turn types

Spotler AIgent offers the following types of bot turns:


Replies are simple texts that your bot returns as answers. A reply does not contain any kind of logic, buttons or actions, it is basically just a text bubble with some text.

How to create a reply in your chatbot?

  1. Go to Turn editor Bot turn and select Type of response Reply.
  2. Just type your message in the Replies field and click Save.



Questions are where you build most of your bot logic and navigation. Question turns are where you can create buttons, and they play an important role in slot filling.

With questions bot turn, you can create two kinds of questions:

  • Closed questions (buttons): to ask your users for specific information. The options are shown as buttons. Each button is linked to a specific entity value.
  • Text field (open) questions: this is also a request for specific information, but users can answer in their own words. Spotler AIgent uses entities and slot filling to find the right match.

Closed question

In Spotler AIgent, it is possible to create a closed question for the chatbot user to answer by using buttons (answer suggestions). We’ll explain how to create a closed question with buttons.

How to create a closed question:

  1. Go to Turn editor Bot turn and select Type of response Question.
  2. Enter your question text.
  3. If you like, you can add some variations to spice up your chatbot dialogue.
  4. Select the entity that you want to capture for this question. In this case, we'll use pizza.size.


Next, create the buttons:

  1. Click Choice and add the text that you want to show on the button. Let's take Small, Medium, and Large.
  2. If you want to change the order of how your buttons are shown in your chatbot, just drag the buttons around.
  3. Click Save.

For each button that you created, Spotler AIgent adds a user turn to the bot question. Each user turn shows the name of the button. From here, you can continue building your flow by adding turns to each button.

In the example below we've used a simple bot reply, but you can use any kind of turn here: questions, user turns, knowledge items, or sub-flows to guide users to another part of your bot.


Text field question

How to create a text field question:

To create a question that your users can answer by typing text in a text field, you need to take four steps:

  1. Create a bot turn to let your bot ask a question.
  2. Add a user turn to your bot question to let your users answer in their own words.
  3. Create an intent to capture your user's answer or intent.
  4. Create a no-response turn in case your user's reply doesn't match the intent.

Create a bot turn

  1. Go to Turn editor Bot turn and select Type of response Question.
  2. Enter your question text.
  3. Select the name of the entity that must be present in the user's response for it to match your intent.
  4. Don't create any Choices.
  5. Click Save.


Add a user turn

Next, click the (+) on your bot question to add a user turn. This way, users can type their answer in their own words. Click the user turn to edit it.


Create an intent

In the user turn:

  1. Create an intent. In this case, we could use '' to capture the user's intent that they want to order something to eat tonight.
  2. If you want to capture specific values from what users are going to say, select an entity here. For example, 'food.item' to capture terms like 'salad', 'pizza', 'spaghetti'. For more information on working with entities, read this article.


After saving your intent, Spotler AIgent will automatically add a No response turn for those cases where your user's question isn't recognized. From here, you can continue building your flow.

Open Question

Open Questions are a special type of bot turn used to open up your chat dialog. They allow your chatbot to search through all dialogs that start with an intent. This is useful for matching intents from different dialogs, either after the welcome message or at the end of a dialog to bring in additional context.

Unlike a normal Question, an Open Question does not focus on intents directly connected to it. Instead, the chatbot will search through all dialogs that have an intent startpoint. If no match is found, the chatbot will navigate to a dialog named "Fallback intent dialog," rather than triggering a no.response turn as it would with a regular question.

Additionally, Open Questions allow you to offer suggestion buttons to users, providing a helpful way to guide them through your chatbot’s flow.

How to create an Open Question:

  1. Go to Turn editor Bot turn and select Type of response Open Question.
  2. Enter your question text.
  3. Leave the suggestions field empty.
  4. Click Save.

In the chatbot flow, after the Open Question, the chatbot will now look at the dialogs with an intent startpoint.

Adding suggestions

If you want to give the user some buttons next to providing an open text input, you can use suggestions on your Open Question. From the Open Question suggestion, you can then select which specific dialog needs to be triggered for that button.

Steps to create suggestions:

  1. Either select your current "Open Question", or create a new one via Turn editor Bot turn and select Type of response Open Question.
  2. Make sure there is a question text.
  3. In the "Type the suggestion here" field, you can type the text that should be visible for the suggestion. Press enter to add.
  4. A dropdown menu appears. Use this dropdown menu to select the dialog that you want to connect to the suggestion button.
  5. Add as many menu buttons as you like. The order that you add the buttons is also the order in which they will appear in the chat.
  6. Click save.
Confirmation question (yes/no)

A confirmation question (yes/no question) asks a user to confirm their choice. These are great for helping users to navigate around in more complex questions that require multiple turns. The question is asked by the chatbot and followed by two answer buttons: yes and no. We’ll explain how to add a confirmation question to your chatbot.


Creating a confirmation question

  1. Go to Turn editor Bot turn and select Type of response Confirmation question (yes/no).
  2. Enter your question text.
  3. Click Save.


Spotler AIgent has created two user turns: one with the value 'Yes', and one for 'No'. These will show as buttons in your chatbot. You can now continue building your flow for each answer.

Picker (only for LiveChat)

How to create a Picker turn: 

  1. Go to Turn editor Bot turn and select Type of response Picker.
  2. Enter the name of the Entity that contains the array of choices.
  3. Select the input Type to generate: Buttons, Calendar, or Drop down.
  4. Enter the name of the Result Entity to store the selected choice value into.

When Type : Buttons is selected, the LiveChat widget will show button options to the user interacting with the LiveChat:

When Type : Calendar is selected, the LiveChat widget will show a calendar for the user to select a date (This only works if dates are provided!).

When Type : Drop down is selected, the LiveChat widget will show drop-down options to the user interacting with the LiveChat:

Editing bot turns

Editing bot turns works the same across all types, though some functionality may be specific to certain bot turn types.

Options for editing bot turns:

Reply variations

You can add some flavor to your chatbot by adding reply variations. A reply variation is essentially the same answer, but phrased in different words. Each time your user asks the same question, the chatbot will return a different variation of the answer.

Hyperlinks, images, and rich formatting


With the advanced text editor, you can enhance your bot turns by adding formatting, images, and hyperlinks.

To use the advanced editor, follow these steps:

  1. Enable advanced options by clicking here:image1.png
  2. Click on the greyed-out "Reply text" box. This will open the editor.image2.png