Can the chatbot receive attachments?

It is now possible for the chatbot to receive attachments as part of the chatbot flow. When you use this functionality, it is useful to know which file types are recognized and how best to end the dialog.

The Bot may request to receive an attachment but, does not guarantee that the attachment shows the expected result in case of imaging or quality.

We recommend that the end of the bot conversation ends up with a handover to a live agent to process the attachment. The attachment will not be visible in the session analyses of the bot platform, but will be parsed to the live agent session.

Channel Compatibility Action
Whatsapp 1.png Attachment is recognised
Webchat 2.png Attachment is ignored
Twitter 2.png Attachment is ignored
Facebook 2.png Attachment is ignored


This feature allows you to process the following types of documents:


File types Compatibility
PNG 1.png Bot recognises the $IMAGE$ intent
JPG 1.png Bot recognises the $IMAGE$ intent
HEIC 1.png Bot recognises the $IMAGE$ intent
PDF 3.pngBot responds with 'No Response'
CSV 3.pngBot responds with 'No Response'
Giphy 2.pngDoes not recognise the media input. Bot does not respond
Video 2.pngDoes not recognise the media input. Bot does not respond


How to use this functionality 

Please note

Receiving attachments in Spotler AIgent is a Beta Feature. This functionality is not enabled by default and is available upon request. Please contact your account manager to discuss options.

After activating the functionality, the set-up can begin:

Step 1: Create a new intent, give an easy name to recognize that it will be your attachment collecting intent.
Step 2: Add the following utterance as example of the intent: $IMAGE$
Step 3: Open your dialogs, select the dialog from which you want to receive an attachment.
Step 4: Add a user turn
Step 5: Select the intent to receive the attachment
Step 6: Finalize your dialog. Make sure a handover to an agent is initiated!

In the analyze section, the incoming attachment will be recognised with the tag $IMAGE$.
