Integration: Spotler Engage Messaging Channels

This page explains how to integrate your chatbot with Spotler Engage messaging channels. By following the steps outlined, you can set up the integration between the chatbot platform and Engage, enabling your chatbot to interact with various messaging channels such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and X (formerly Twitter).

On this page you have the following options:

Step-by-step Guide: Chatbot Platform

Step 1: Integrate the Chatbot

On the 'Integrate' page, select the 'Spotler Messaging Channels' button. This will open the settings page.

Step 2: Enter User Details

Continue to the next screen. In the 'environment' field, enter the name of your Engage environment. Use the username and password of the chatbot account that has access to the streams in Engage. Check the 'active' box and click 'create' at the bottom left. If you have filled in the username, password, and environment name correctly, the webhook will be created. You will then see a Webhook URL. You need this URL to create the Rule in Engage, which will be explained later in the article.

Step 3: Important! User Configuration in Engage

Make sure to select the correct user from your Engage environment to configure the Bots integration. This user must have access to the streams handling your WhatsApp messages in Engage. Therefore, this user should have a role included in your WhatsApp configuration.

Step-by-step Guide: Engage Platform

Step 1: Create a New Rule

Once logged into Engage and on the 'Webcare' tab, click on 'Rules' on the left.

Step 2: Add Webhook Rule

On this page, you can create a new rule. Click on 'New rule' in the top right. Choose the bottom rule option 'Webhooks.'

Step 3: Fill in Webhook Details

Enter the following information:

  • Name: (for example, webhook chatbot)
  • Stream: select the stream for which this rule will be activated.
  • Rule Priority: Set this rule to priority 1 if you have multiple rules to determine the order.
  • Execute on behalf of the user: Select the user you entered in the chatbot platform for configuration.

Leave the other 2 settings set to 'Yes.' Now click on 'Next Step.' In this screen, enter the link (webhook URL) that you see in the chatbot platform. This was explained earlier in the article.

The webhook URL looks like this:

For the 'secret' field, enter: no.

Step 4: Save and Test the Rule

In the next screen, you'll see an overview of the configured Rule. Click on 'Save' now. You have now created the Rule. You can send a test message to the stream where the Rule is active to see if the chatbot picks up the message.

If you encounter any difficulties, don't hesitate to contact our Support team for assistance.