How do I link and end a dialog?

The dialogs that have a startpoint dialogs can only be used when they are explicitly set in your chatbot flow. When your chatbot comes at this type of turn, then it will go to that dialog. In this article, we'll explain how to link a dialog in a conversation and how to exit dialogs.

Linking to a dialog

To link to a dialog that has a startpoint dialogs, you have to create a turn in a dialog. To do that, open a dialog. At the part where you want to start the dialog, create a turn in the following way:

1. Click the plus icon, then select Bot turn -> Dialog.

2. In the drop-down menu, select the dialog that should be started.


3. Click on Save.

In your dialog a turn called Dialog is now created. The turn shows which dialog will be started at this part of the conversation.

Now, open the dialog that you just linked. In the dialog the startpoint shows the amount of dialogs that are connected to this dialog. Clicking on the Dialog startpoint opens the sidepanel which now also shows the connected dialogs. Clicking on the Dialog names opens these dialogs.


The end of a dialog

When a dialog with a startpoint dialog has been started, the chatbot will follow the flow of this dialog. However, when the chatbot has reached the last turn in that dialog, it will go back to the dialog it came from.

In the example below the chatbot will start the dialog Spotler Engage Handover in response to someone asking to talk to an actual person. After the bot has finished all turns in that dialog, it will continue along the path in this dialog, so the chatbot will show the next message "The conversation continues here."


Other ways of exiting the dialog

The chat doesn't always have to go back to the previous dialog. It's also possible to go to the next dialog that has a dialog startpoint. Using this method you can keep going to the next dialog. We call this concept nesting your dialogs. Every time the chatbot finishes a dialog, it goes back to the previous one.

Next to nesting dialogs, it is also possible to completely exit this flow of dialogs by creating an Open Question turn. The chatbot will look at the available intent dialogs and continue the conversation there.